Art Delivery

Gina Tuzzi & Claudia Keep

Welcome to Adele Delivers, where I deliver two of my favorite contemporary artists right to your inbox every Friday. Here’s to fostering a deeper connection with art, one artist at a time.

Gina Tuzzi

Gina Tuzzi is building a holy sanctuary of endless summer where David Bowie and Prince are patron saints, Aretha Franklin is Reverend and a riverbed is Fellowship Hall. In Gina’s work, we experience a Woodstock revival. Gina is our carpenter of peace, love, happiness, body-affirming, eco-loving light unto the world. Learn more about Gina here. 

Claudia Keep

Before you’re 40 you tend to gain things. After 40 you tend to lose things. Your kids grow up and fly the nest, your health begins its slow and steady decline, people you know pass on to the next life. Claudia’s paintings bring our attention back to a simpler time, a time of childlike wonder, magnifying undiscovered beauty to eyes that think they’ve seen it all. Learn more about Claudia here.

Thank you for being here! That’s all for now, because after all, in the words of the sundial, while we speak, time steals away. XxA

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