Adele Delivers

Anna Valdez, Lina Tharsing & Mads Rafte Hein

Welcome to Adele Delivers, where I deliver my favorite contemporary artists right to your inbox every Friday. Hereā€™s to fostering a deeper connection with art, one artist at a time.

Particularly in the aftermath of someone's passing, there's solace in exploring their belongingsā€”sifting through drawers, uncovering treasures tucked away, and touching their cherished collections. It's a comforting activity, revealing what mattered most to them, what they held dear. Portraits of interiors invite this same curiosity. The following artists make interior portraits that tell a story about their lives. I can almost hear, smell, and feel the surfaces of their day-to-day existence, can you?

Anna Valdez

Learn more about Anna here.

Lina Tharsing

Learn more about Lina here.  

Mads Rafte Hein

Learn more about Mads here.

Thank you for being here! Ruit hora (The hour is flowing away). This weekend is a gift - Till soon. XxA

What Iā€™m watching: Conan Oā€™Brien on Hot Ones, If you watch it once, you will watch it many times.

Blog Iā€™m devouring: Contemporary Art Daily publishes images from new art exhibitions and performances from around the world every single day.

Quote on my mind: ā€œFrom music people accept pure emotion, but from art they demand explanation.ā€ ā€”Agnes Martin via The Jealous Curator

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