Adele Delivers

Maxine McCrann & Drew Bennett

Welcome to Adele Delivers, where I deliver two of my favorite contemporary artists right to your inbox every Friday. Here’s to fostering a deeper connection with art, one artist at a time, and if the spirit moves you, forward this email to a friend!

Maxine McCrann

Where's the party?! Maxine Mcrann is the perfect artist to set the scene for Thanksgiving or any gathering. Her art exudes communion and joy insisting that at the very least, you call your best friend. It's dynamic, happy, feels like travel, sunshine, food, family, friendship, and romance. Can someone please pass the persimmons? I hear they’re sweet this time of year. Learn more about Maxine here.  

Drew Bennett

I was first drawn to the work of Oakland artist, Drew Bennett, because it reminds me of home, mending the gap for a Kentucky girl finding her place in the Bay. Its beautifully crafted, soulful, and calming scenes remind me of artists I grew up admiring in Kentucky like Paul Sawyer and Lina Tharsing. In Drew's words, "Painting… fosters a continually deeper awareness, connection, and ultimately gratitude for the world around me. The success of any given painting is its ability to convey a bit of the value I benefited from creating it to the viewer. " Learn more about Drew here. 

Thank you for being here! It’s my honor to share these artists with you. One more thing before you go, here’s a thought to ponder until we meet again.

“…Art cannot be understood in terms of purpose. As the sculptor Charles Ray has said, art is “for absolutely nothing.” To make, or experience, art is to enter a kind of free zone; it slows us down, places us in some epistemological estuary, takes us into the wild. We make art from our flaws, fragilities, perversities, from our need to communicate or be entertained or stave off death, to create our own mating dances, to deliver our own children, to mourn. Art is bigger than mere subject matter. It is as big as life.”

Jerry Saltz, Art Is Life…

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