Adele Delivers - January 26, 2024

🦋 Julia Marchand & Michael McGregor

Welcome to Adele Delivers, where I deliver two of my favorite contemporary artists right to your inbox every Friday. Here’s to fostering a deeper connection with art, one artist at a time.

Julia Marchand

Julia Marchand is interested in the dark and complicated relationship we have with wildlife, particularly how we contain, rather than coexist with wildlife, studying educational taxidermied animals in “scientific” museum dioramas, where animals are sculptural decorative objects to bring inside and make static. Julia paints from photos of museum visits to reimagine the mechanized creatures, honoring their untamed past and post-apocalyptic future. Learn more about Julia here.  

Julia in her studio, holding my daughter Jamila, in 2019

Michael McGregor

Michael renders the remains of a beautiful party and reminds us that even if we attend many parties, that unforgettable one is in the past. Learn more about Michael here.

Thank you for being here! This weekend, invite your friends over for dinner. They seem hungry. Signing off, XxA

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