Alex Grey, Allyson Grey and Entheon

"I want my art to help people reimagine God."

Welcome to Adele Delivers, where I deliver two of my favorite contemporary artists right to your inbox every Friday. Here’s to fostering a deeper connection with art, one artist at a time.

Alex and Allyson Grey are painters at the center of the visionary art movement dedicated to mystical and psychedelic experiences. In Alex’s words, “For some people, maybe my artwork just seems like fantasy or something. However, if you have had any kind of a mystical or cosmic experience, I guess, then people seem to recognize the territory.” Most recently the Greys built a three-story temple and museum of Visionary Art called Entheon in Upstate NY.

Alex Grey

Alex’s glowing anatomical bodies x-ray the multiple layers of reality - mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about Alex here. 

Allyson Grey

Allyson’s Secret Language came to her as an LSD vision experience when she was twenty. Learn more about Allyson here. 

Entheon Sanctuary of Visionary Art

Alex and Allyson Grey are the visionaries behind Entheon and the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors. Located in Upstate NY, Entheon is a 3-story, 1200-square-foot hybrid temple-museum of visionary art. Established in summer 2023, Entheon attracts art lovers and people interested in consciousness-altering experiences from all over the world. Learn more about Entheon here.

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