Elizabeth King Stanton & Henrik Simonsen

Unpredictable and repetitive

Welcome to Adele Delivers, where I deliver two of my favorite contemporary artists right to your inbox every Friday. Hereā€™s to fostering a deeper connection with art, one artist at a time.

Elizabeth King Stanton

Elizabeth weaves quilting motifs into her paintings, capturing scenes from her daily life, most recently focusing on her experience as a mom. In her words, ā€œMy days with my daughter are a wonderful blend of contradictions: busy and slow, bold and cautious, unpredictable and repetitive. My recent paintings mirror these contradictions.ā€ Learn more about Elizabeth here.  

Henrik Simonsen

When asked what he does, Henrik says he paints, but he thinks he should say he draws. Drawing is central to his nature scenesā€”a simple and direct delivery of shape and form, which he coats in washes of color, always leaving bits of the drawing that came before. Learn more about Henrik here.

Love to laugh? In this 36+ part series, JT Jasinski "ruins songs by making them sound like someone else." Hereā€™s one of my faves.

My greatest productivity hack is tracking my cycle. Learn all about how in this article, How Women Can Use Monthly Periods As A Productivity Tool

Summer read: My kids gave me two minutes to pick out a book at the Berkeley Public Library and itā€™s turned out to be one of the most profound reads of my life. Itā€™s teaching me how to process my grief and find meaning in the things I struggle with. Myth Making, Self-Discovery and the Timeless Art of Memoir by Maureen Murdock

Thank you for being here! I appreciate you more than you know. I cherish the email replies and Iā€™m grateful to be on this planet at the same time as you. ā€˜L'heure passe, l 'amitiĆ© reste.ā€™ The hours pass, friendship remains. Till soon. XxA

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