Heather Drayzen & Rachel Maclean

Cute Playfulness and Other-worldly Power

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Welcome to Adele Delivers, where I deliver two of my favorite contemporary artists right to your inbox every Friday. Here’s to fostering a deeper connection with art, one artist at a time.

Heather Drayzen

Heather paints the great love she has for her subject, whether that’s a painter’s pallet or a friend’s lovely feet, she speckles them with rainbows, auras, heaps of attention, and unconditional love. Little known fact, even though they can’t paint like this, there are people in your life who love you this much. Can you feel it? Learn more about Heather here. 

Rachel Maclean

Rachel’s digital paintings consider cuteness as a form of expressed powerlessness and power. Her work illustrates the surreal experience of motherhood, like a baby’s head growing out of a mother’s chest. To develop these ideas, she prompts AI, which translates her inputs serendipitously, understanding and learning alongside her, and contributing to the creative process. This collaboration blurs the line between her hand and the machine’s directives. Rachel’s work also conveys AI’s broader impact on the world, changing how we think about and discuss art production. AI’s cute playfulness and other-worldly power share a stage in Rachel’s syrupy paintings. Learn more about Rachel here. 

Tune Alert: One of my favorite stations, KEXP (Seatle), just brought this magical song to my attention this week “Rides Thru the Morning” by Michael Nau

In Kentucky we say, “Bless This Mess”: Here’s Golden Gate’s Great BWP to elaborate, “You can’t be disappointed in your kitchens! Your sinks! Your sponges! Your dirty dishes! They’re yours, for crying out loud! Your very own unglamourous, grubby, boring, day-to-day life. This is the life we get and it is a good life not in spite of the fact that it has mundane crap in it but because it has mundane crap in it.” You too can get her fun-filled, art-inspired, pink-haired musings here.

Bay Area Artist Opportunity: Hearts in SF is currently taking applications. The pay is not bad, the process is fun, and you’ll connect with some incredible people at the Gala and Ferry Building unveiling. If you’re looking for a unique opportunity, this is it.

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Thank you for being here! Here’s a short list of things that make me happy: NYC sounds, iced green tea in a mason jar, keeping a journal, and picking up litter with my trusty trash tongs. What makes you happy? Leave a comment so we can learn your way to happiness. (We have comments now!- scroll to the top and look left). Till soon. XxA

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