Larry Madrigal & Andie Dinkin

The trouble with bubbles is that they burst too soon.

Welcome to Adele Delivers, where I deliver two of my favorite contemporary artists right to your inbox every Friday. Here’s to fostering a deeper connection with art, one artist at a time.

Larry Madrigal

I love what Larry has to say about his bubbles, a reminder that we’re all going to die, “I started putting them in paintings, because I was just around them all the time, and I just like how they would represent to me a sense of naivete and awe and wonder, this very childlike sense of of joy that I get from painting. But over the years, they're becoming a deeper and more melancholic symbol, for me, representing just the heaviness of life, and the fleeting nature of it, but at the same time, the joy and the thing that we're all chasing after right? The spark, ya know?” Learn more about Larry here.

Andie Dinkin

Andie’s the kind of artist who makes me want to pick up a brush and paint -right now, and join her in this sĂ©ance. She’s able to tap into a dream dimension and she doesn’t fuss too much over features. She shows us the dream mansion, don’t we all live part-time in a dream mansion? Like the one in House of Leaves where the inside dimensions are bigger than the outside and new hallways and rooms appear all the time? Learn more about Andie here. 

Thank you for being here! As you know, the library is a great place to hang out, great books at unbeatable prices. Have you visited your local branch lately? Till soon. XxA


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