Shyama Golden & Koo Jeong-A

The void is calling...

Welcome to Adele Delivers, where I deliver two of my favorite contemporary artists right to your inbox every Friday. Here’s to fostering a deeper connection with art, one artist at a time.

Shyama Golden

The French have a saying, l'appel du vide, (the void is calling), which describes the impulse to jump or let yourself fall from a high place, a common phenomenon where, on a bright sunny day, you entertain the idea of veering into traffic or feel inclined to walk into an airplane propeller. Just a thought, but why? And that's where we find Shyama and her Yakkas, wild-eyed, moving toward an odd and scary existence. Learn more about Shyama here. 

Koo Jeong-A

In the Korean Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, there's this little floating bronze dude hovering above a pedestal and flashing peace signs. He breathes out a scent that fills the room, creating a scent memory aptly called Odorama Cities. ‘Jeong-A, the artist, collected 600 stories from people who live in or have been to North or South Korea and distilled them into a single fragrance for the project. There are also 16 experimental scents based on common themes from these stories, installed both inside and outside the pavilion.’

It's fascinating to think about what Korea might smell like through the nose of another, and now I can’t stop wondering. What do you think of Odorama Cities? Learn more about Jeong-A here.

Can’t make it to Venice for the Biennale? Check out this list of Artsy’s favorite pavilions. Forbes also put together a nice list of must-sees.

Quote I’m living by: “People are always trying to add more stuff to life. Reduce it to simpler, pure moments.”— Jerry Seinfeld via Farnam Street

Word play:  Tutti Bella. It means, ‘everything beautiful’ in Italian. See if you can say it this week or better yet, feel it.

Thank you for being here! Have a lovely sunny warm weekend, perfect for BBQ and lightning bugs. Live as if Heaven is on Earth. Till soon. XxA

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